About Us

About Alphabit Technologies

ALPHABIT TECHNOLOGIES with a purpose to bridge the gap between SME’s and Inventory Management solutions and to render feasible and affordable solutions to start-ups, We develop and deliver enterprise software right from start- ups, SME’s & major establishments around the world who manufacture and distribute goods, maintain assets, and manage service-focused operations.

With our cloud-based solution, start-ups and SME’s with just an internet connection can have full access to our business enterprise modules and respond quickly to market changes and use resources in a more agile way to achieve better business performance and competitive advantages.

We have pioneered in customs-based solution for Automotive & construction Industries, Alphabit is known for being user friendly, mobile, modular in their design and flexible enough to support the customers in their way of working according to their own organization processes.

Starting our journey with a very few but masterly resources in this industry, Alphabit Technologies has developed to be one of the trustworthy & prominent provider for Inventory/Order Management, Accounting, Payroll, Attendance and HRMS solution in Asia Pacific, MENA and India region. With our total technical staff strength exceeded 50, we placed our team in Singapore, United Arab Emirates and India to serve our customers hassle free.

Our Vision

Our vision is to think a step ahead and out of the box to develop in a constant manner and grow as a major business software service provider, in providing quality cloud-based solutions in the competitive global marketplace. Our professional, flexible and integrated process reflects in what we do. We always guide and make our customers stand unique and far ahead from their competitors with our high-quality service & solutions.

Our Mission

With a mission of win-win policy, we work around your business. We strive to make technology integrate seamlessly with your business, so your business can grow. As your technology partner, when your business grows ours will grow with you, therefore, we will work hand in hand with you to support your growth.

Our Value

We believe technology is a means to be user friendly and to solve human problems. Our technological solutions and expertise enable us, together with our clients, build a better world for current and future generations.